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Friday, June 4, 2010

How to Avoid Workplace Injuries

Consider this scenario: You're happily working at your desk, typing furiously to finish up an important quarterly earnings report when suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your wrist. You try to ignore it at first, but the pain becomes so unbearable that you think that you might collapse. Eventually, you have to stop all work on your report and ask your boss for the day off – making your report late and your office image greatly diminished. Does this scenario sound familiar? According to recent statistics, many office workers have recently experience something similar to the situation above. What many people don't realize, however, is that such a painful injury at work is very simple and easy to avoid. First, you must take breaks every hour. Sure, this sounds like a counter-intuitive thing for a hardworking office worker to consider. But it is absolutely crucial if you want to remain healthy and pain free.

Instead of dealing with the intense physical pain of carpal tunnel syndrome and other wrist related pain, which can sideline you from important office functions and projects, you can be on top of your game, efficiently and safely churning out whatever report your boss requires of you. Secondly, you must use your keyboard with good posture. Most people type in such a way that their wrist is bent and unnatural, causing intense pain at the end of the day. Watch how other people, usually younger people, type and emulate them. This will greatly improve your posture and make and workplace injury a thing of the past. Workplace injuries can derail your career, transforming you from a top worker into a person unable to contribute to the workplace. Avoiding these injuries will improve not only your health, but your long term viability at that company, ensuring you a long and fruitful career.

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Natural Healing In Australia With Chinese Medicine

Reflecting on classical, ancient Chinese beliefs and with an astonishing tradition going back as far as the third century B.C., Chinese Medicine has continually developed and expanded in response to changing clinical conditions of modern-day times. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices include treatments such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, dietary therapy, Tui na and Shiatsu massage. Furthermore, Qigong and Taiji are often strongly affiliated with TCM as well.

Customarily when people get sick they still go to a medical clinic, doctor’s office, or hospital to have their aches and pains addressed. They will see a nurse or physician, and their treatment will typically consist of a laid-out drug and/or surgery plan. Contrary to this type of conventional health care, Chinese Medicine is not restricted by a particular set of principles or procedures, and will in its non-invasive, therapeutic and risk free treatments also include the emotional and spiritual well-being of the patient. In other words, its healing methods and ailment cures are not restricted to the physical aspect of a person’s health only. In fact, it will bring all three of the human characteristics – body, emotions and spirit - to an optimum level, restoring the patient’s health on all planes.
When a patient experiences the slightest sign of disharmony, the Chinese Medicine practitioner will try to understand and treat the disruptive condition, or disease, and stop it from maturing or spreading. On the other hand, why wait for an illness when a lot of complaints can often be prevented, a philosophy Chinese Medicine truly believes in. Take for example bone mineral density loss, a physical abnormality which can easily be prohibited by taking Chinese herbal extracts.
If you think about it, spending money on disease prevention is actually more affordable in the end, than paying thousands of dollars to physicians and on hospital care. Indeed, it does not matter if you live in Melbourne, or Adelaide, conventional treatments are a financial burden and another great reason why it is better to prevent than to cure.
There are various sweet tasting herbs in Chinese Medicine that are prescribed to avert specific conditions. A number of aromatic plants and roots will reduce wrinkles and keep the skin looking healthy and young, while others will help patients with insomnia, nausea, fertility, and respiratory problems. Among the better-known herbs used in Chinese Medicine are the invigorating and rejuvenating Ginseng root, immune system stimulating Echinacea, Ginger, Licorice, Dong Quai, and famous Green Tea.

Practiced worldwide and also part of the Chinese Medicine community in Perth, acupuncture is another coherent healing system and an essential part of the increasingly popular Chinese Medicine treatment therapy. It is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and to improve its function. This can be accomplished by inserting small needles at very precise acupuncture points and applying heat or electrical stimulation to them. As recent research has proven, the effectiveness of acupuncture is amazing, especially in improving a person’s immune system and disease prevention for painful conditions such as migraine, menstrual disease, or several common heart conditions.

Chinese Medicine is based on the premise that illness is a result of the improper flow of life force, also known as "Qi," through the body. A lack of harmony, or the imbalance of Qi, is seen as the main cause of any illness, and therefore Chinese Medicine will target the discrepancies through an all- inclusive holistic approach, rather than fighting bacteria and viruses only through the use of drugs or vaccines.

Chinese Medicine has no borders and has been practiced for centuries all over the world. This means that healers, using Chinese Medicine in Brisbane, will offer the same beneficial treatments as practitioners of Chinese Medicine in Sydney. This is possible because traditions do not change when traveling the world and diseases keep their characteristics no matter where they incubate.

For more information on the marvelous advantages and practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Brisbane, Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide, or anywhere else in Australia please visit .

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Burn Fat Naturally And Healthily

Burn Fat Naturally And Healthily

Natural weight loss is a big topic today for numerous people who do not comprehend the principle of eating only the quantity they need for the amount physical activity they perform; but how many people receive notice of this.

The ability to burn fat is based on one's metabolism levels and these levels can slow down when the body eats certain foods and avoids exercise. The ideal way to burn fat is to eat healthily and maintain plenty of exercise but a lot of people are so impatient or wish to lose weight for an upcoming special occasion that they don't even try the right way to burn fat but instead automatically turn to the quick fixes such as fat burner pills and supplements.

Burn Fat Naturally

The key is to burn fat naturally and healthily and still maintain long-term results. Too many people try to use unhealthy methods in order to burn fat and this can cause health problems and more serious weight problems in the long-term. Exercise and using the muscles is the optimal way to burn fat but the muscles must be exercised frequently or else they become weak and build up fat yet again. While alcohol and high calorie foods add to the amount of weight gained, they can also lead to the body becoming sluggish and lower the ability to burn fat. Cutting out alcohol and fatty foods while keeping the body hydrated with lots of water is another way to burn fat.


The body's metabolism basically goes into shutdown mode when you become inactive. The metabolism must reach a certain speed in order to burn fat. The fact is that it is not diffcult to increase your metabolism and incurage yourbody to burn more fat as fuel. It can sometimes be necessary to kick start the metabolism and one of the best ways is to perform a small amount of exercise in the mornings and also eat breakfast.

Healthy Foods

Fresh and healthy foods can give the energy needed to burn fat through exercise as well as making the body feel better and more energetic in the long run. As you incorporate more green foods into your diet you will become more alkaline displacing needless acid  and improving your fat loss efforts. Minimize and avoid processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and nutrition-deficient drinks like coffee and sodas.In a nutshell, by eating the foods that make your body expend more energy burning them, you are raising your metabolic rate.


One of the best ways to burn fat is to build muscle mass through constant workouts. That's why, for many people who want to burn fat, build-muscle workout are the ideal approach. There are several venues where you can find the ideal burn-fat, build muscle workout for you. The more strenuous your burn-fat build-muscle workout, the more protein you need. Here's a key tip to remember: the more muscles you get involved in your workout, the more fat you'll burn off. A sufficient amount of exercise on a daily or weekly basis coinciding with a healthy diet can be seriously effective when trying to burn fat.

About the Author

The ideal way to burn fat is to eat healthily and maintain plenty of exercise but a lot of people are so impatient or wish to lose weight for an upcoming special occasion that they don't even try the right way to burn fat but instead automatically turn to the quick fixes such as fat burner pills and supplements. Find out more about Burn Fat Naturally And Healthily  Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing natural health and beauty productsTo stay informed about  fat burning visit here.

Source: Free Blog Articles

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